The US Search Awards Deadline is Friday June 17. 1SEO Digital Agency, Winners of Best Use of Search – Travel & Leisure (SEO) share their experience of entering and winning Awards.
Can you feel it? That aura in the air, the subtle anxiety, jittering excitement. Yep, it’s that time of year again. Breathe in that sweet smell of the 2022 US Search Awards.
It’s time for industry titans’ most creative campaigns to clash in the fight for the coveted title of US Search Awards Champion.
Now, outside of the realm of digital marketing, this might not seem that exciting, but this is our Super Bowl and a crown jewel for the small businesses our agency represents.
For the past three years, I’ve had the privilege of representing and our clients to showcase some of our team’s most successful work across paid and organic avenues by competing in the US Search Awards.
Back in 2019 I was eager to throw my hat into the ring when I first learned about the US Search Awards and figured this could help my personal and professional growth. So it was time to get my hands dirty with the data behind our clients’ marketing success.
What I was naive to at the time was the sheer magnitude of time, effort, and creativity that spanned interdepartmentally to drive the success of these campaigns I was beginning to write about.
Now, three years later, with five US Search Awards trophies displayed proudly at the entrance of our headquarters, that same sense of awe, anxiety, and excitement has returned and fuels the desire to defend our titles once again.
I love the Search Awards because each year is a clean slate and an even playing field in an industry that pivots on a dime. What might have been a resounding success one year might not work as well the next, or the slightest technical change to a campaign can catapult a client’s success. This is why as a US Search Awards winner, you can never rest on your laurels and have to bring your ‘A’ game each and every day.
After bringing home our agency’s first US Search Award, I noticed a shift in the mindset and attitude throughout the office. I saw more grit and a sharper focus. I began seeing colleagues communicate more effectively internally and with our clients regarding their marketing programs.
There would be clapping and excitement for the small wins each month and teammates hungrier for leadership positions and more active roles within the company. We’ve even invested in new tools and technologies like artificial intelligence to dive deeper into the data and ensure each of our clients’ campaigns are a well-oiled machine, firing on all cylinders
And this is what this competition is all about. It’s about forward-thinking, collaboration, and celebrating success across the digital marketing industry to find and share innovative and creative solutions for our clients’ businesses collectively, especially after the devastating impact of COVID-19.

Even now, over a year after the initial global shutdown, many of our clients’ marketing efforts remain limited by budget and working to recover, which means it’s up to our agency to get scrappy and think outside of the box. That’s why I love what I do, the individuals by my side, and the businesses we have the opportunity to help each and every day.
As an agency that’s earned numerous US Search Awards in recent years, I’ve certainly seen an influx of clientele as well as some of our industry’s top talent come through the door and has given my team the confidence and resolve to power through even the toughest of times.
On a personal note, winning a few search awards has given me not only a proud sense of accomplishment but, more importantly, a professional purpose. I think what I’ve found most rewarding over the years is having the opportunity to truly get to know my clients on a more personal level and leverage a platform like the US Search Awards to be the one telling these individuals’ stories to the world.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s great to look at the analytics and see upward trends for a client’s organic performance; but that will never compare to hearing directly from a client that our team’s efforts have been the reason their doors are still open, or that they’ve been able to add new employees while local competitors were going through rounds of layoffs.
As digital marketers, it’s hard to look through the screen, past the performance metrics, and catch a glimpse of the real world, life-changing impacts of what we do each day. Thankfully, as a US Search Award Winner, that’s now something I can truly appreciate and will continue to search for this season as my team sharpens our swords to go to battle against the best of the best for another round of the US Search Awards.
Founded by Lance Bachmann in 2009, 1SEO Digital Agency is located just outside of Philadelphia and is a digital marketing firm that provides comprehensive digital Solutions, custom-tailored for each of their clients, enabling them to grow and protect their business.
Author: CaseyQuinn/Digital Marketing Specialist/1SEO Digital Agency